Sunday, 20 October 2019

Get Ahead Of The Game With Schema Markup

October 20, 2019 2

One of the most recent, yet underutilized forms of optimization is known as a schema markup (also known as structured data).
In this article, were going to discuss how to get ahead of the game by using schema markup, the importance of schema markup and how rich snippets and JSON-LD schema code can be utilized.

What is Schema markup exactly?

Essentially, it’s code that you insert into your site so that search engines can return more informative results for the user. By telling a search engine what your content means, the SERPs don’t merely display a couple of lines about your site.

Think about what a Google SERP entry looks like when you carry out a search for a local business. Then compare it to what it would have looked like years ago. Not only are you getting a mini-description of the business but you’re also getting useful and relevant information that any potential customer would want to see. This information can include opening times, contact details and location.

Generally speaking, a site utilizing schema markup tends to rank higher on search engines than sites without markup.
Roughly 33% of Google’s search results utilizes rich snippets, including schema markup. However, according to some, less than 33% of sites utilize schema markup.

Think about it for a second. By not utilizing schema markup, the majority of sites are missing out on a huge SEO boost. Therefore, if you decide to get ahead of the game and incorporate schema markup, then you’ll be getting ahead of the competition.

Another thing that’s great is that you don’t have to go through an arduous process of learning new coding skills. Web pages with markup will still use HTML. All you’re doing is merely adding pieces of vocabulary to HTML microdata.

What is a rich snippet?

A rich snippet describes a structured data markup that you can utilize in addition to your existing HTML. It allows Google and other search engines to gain a better understanding with regards to what information is displayed on each of your web pages. This allows search engines to return more relevant results to searchers.

You’re probably already very familiar with rich snippets. Examples include things like:
  • Ratings,
  • Pricing, and
  • Availability.

What is JSON-LD schema code for SEO?

Chances are if you’ve been researching rich snippets, structured data, and microdata, then it won’t be too long before you come across JSON-LD schema code.

JSON-LD essentially offers a very simple means to allow the creation of machine-readable data from sites and webpages to promote search results.

How to create a schema markup

If you’re convinced of its benefits and ready to create your own schema markup, follow these steps:

  1. Head to Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.
  2. Select which type of data you wish to markup. You’ll find several options available to you.
  3. Copy and paste in the URL of the article or web page that you want to markup. Then click “start tagging.”
  4. Determine what type of elements you want to be marked up and highlight and select them.
  5. Add as many markup items as you need. You can use the list of data items as a guide, before highlighting whichever other items that you want to add to the markup list. Although you can’t add an infinite amount of items, add as many as you can.
  6. Create the HTML. Do this by simply clicking “Create HTML.”

How does structured data effect rankings?

There has been a lot of discussion and experimentation as to how structured data affects rankings. However, at this moment in time, there has been no conclusive evidence that this markup has a direct improvement in rankings.

However, with Google placing increasing importance on Schema markup, it’s imperative to get ahead of the game and incorporate rich snippets into your priorities. Doing so will make you look more professional and will help to get relevant information to people that are looking for you. In fact, for many business owners, potential customers may get all the information they need from rich snippets and won’t even bother clicking onto websites. Now, think about that for a second.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

What Is Website Page Speed And Why Does It Matter?

October 10, 2019 1

Speed is becoming an increasingly important feature of a web page. If it takes five seconds for a page to load then it’s more than likely that the impatient visitor won’t be waiting around. They’ll simply go back and click on a competitors page instead.

The unforgiving, modern user is inundated with a multitude of sites, ready to solve their problem in the most effective way possible. It’s for this reason that page speed should be a top priority.

It’s not only the user that requires pages to load quickly. Google has made loading speed a key factor for ranking.

What is page speed?

Put simply, the page speed of an individual page is the speed at which it loads on your website. Different pages within the same website can all have different speeds. This can be due to a wide variety of different factors such as scripts, images, and other forms of multimedia. On the one hand, factors such as the server’s performance, the connection type and how the user is using your site may be out of your hands. However, there are certain things that are within your control that you can modify in order to try and improve your load time. We’ll come back to this later.

Page Speed and Google

In case you were wondering, page speed is a direct factor and should therefore be part of any initial SEO strategy. Another thing to consider, is that page speed can also impact rankings indirectly. A painfully slow loading landing page is more than likely to have a high bounce rate.

Since users don’t tend to stick around if loading time is any more than three seconds, Google probably won’t like serving your site up to searchers if your loading time is any higher than this. Speed is measured in seconds, but Google also provides a tool that gives you a points score between 1 and 100.

What is Google PageSpeed Insights

In order to help website publishers with their site performance optimizations, Google brought out a family of tools, known as Google PageSpeed. The family consists of four key components:

PageSpeed Module – Also known as Mod-pagespeed, this is an open-source Apache HTTP Server that automatically applies chosen filters to pages and associated assets.

PageSpeed Insights – The online tool that helps to focus on identifying and utilizing best performance practices on websites. It gives a website a score which rates a web page’s performance, giving it a score between 1 and 100. It makes recommendations on how to improve a site’s optimization, and also comes up with ways to improve the speed of a site. You can access the tool through any browser.

PageSpeed Service – Intended to be a commercial product, but was turned off by Google back in 2015.

PageSpeed Chrome DevTools – An extension of the chrome browser.

How to improve your load time

Here are the top tips for improving your load time:
1. Optimize images – It’s often the case that oversized images are a great hindrance when it comes to page speed. When creating a new site, it’s important to reduce images before publishing. In the majority of cases, a super-high resolution isn’t needed.

2. Using Gzip compression – The ability to use Gzip compression depends on whether your web host utilizes Gzip on its servers. If it does, then it can be an excellent way to reduce file sizes without impacting quality.

3. Eliminate unnecessary redirects – While redirects can be an extremely useful tool that allow you to change your site without being penalized by the likes of Google, over-using redirects can slow your site down, since they add another link to the chain that reduces efficiency.

4. Cache – Utilizing plugins that cache the most recent version of the pages on your site ensures that browsers don’t need to keep on generating a page whenever a visitor opens it up. This is something that helps to reduce loading time.

Focusing on page speed and improving loading time must become a key component of any SEO strategy. Not only are you improving your rank in Google, but you’re also improving your conversion rate, reducing your bounce rate, and captivating new site visitors.

Source By:

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Internet of Things (IOT)

October 09, 2019 0

The internet of things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way humans, devices, and systems interact.

Becoming more and more relevant in today’s society, IoT is enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of machine-to-human interactions. That’s why our expert team is here, providing you with specialized solutions that will bring your technology up-to-date and working more efficiently than ever.

If you require a consultant, or are looking for a team of skilled professionals to help build your IoT technology, Enthuons is the perfect partner for you.

Please visit us: